Kristina Sutiene holds Ph.D. in Informatics (2009) and M.S. in Applied Mathematics from Kaunas University of Technology. She works as an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematical Modelling at the same University. Currently Kristina Sutiene is working at H2020 project “FINancial Supervision and TECHnological Compliance training programme – FIN-TECH“ and COST Action "FinAI: Fintech and Artificial Intelligence in Finance - Towards a transparent financial industry" (CA19130), which was recently approved by the COST Committee of Senior Officials. She recently successfully completed EU funded project “Development of Excellence Centre for the Analysis, Modelling and Risk management” carried out by the State Tax Inspectorate of Lithuania. Her research/work interests generally cover risk modelling and measuring by employing Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in the field of finance, economics and insurance. I would be happy to be a member of Institute of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.