Associate Professor of Ecclesiastical Lawand Canon Law at the Department of Law of the University of Campania “LuigiVanvitelli” (Italy).
Visiting Professor of Concordat Activitiesof the Holy See at the Faculty of Canon Law of the Pontifical UrbanianaUniversity (Vatican State).
Scientific director of Research Projects onreligious freedom, canonical marriage and concordats between Holy See andStates. He also conducted scientific research on the relationship betweenreligion and internet.
Author of the monographs “La trascrizione tardiva del matrimoniocanonico” (2011), “Le indulgenze.Storia e disciplina canonica” (2013), “Matrimoniocanonico e disparitas cultus” (2018), as well as additional co-signedvolumes and numerous scientific articles on religious freedom, canonicalmarriage, ecclesiastical assets and concordat dynamics.
Responsible for the “Jurisprudence andcivil legislation” section of the Scientific Review “Law and Religions”.