We are pleased to announce an JRFM Travel Award that will assist Ph.D. graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and junior faculty to attend a 2020 international conference related to financial management and risk management. The applications will be assessed by the Editors of JRFM.
Candidates must fulfill the following criteria:
– They must be postdoctoral fellows or Ph.D. students undertaking research related to financial management and risk management;
– They must present their own, original work as a poster or oral presentation at the conference for which the travel award application is being made.
Required application documents:
– Acceptance letter of the conference;
– A completed paper is preferred or, if not yet available, an extended abstract;
– Resume;
– Letter of support from the applicant’s supervisor/senior researcher;
– Motivation letter.
This award will consist of 600 Swiss Francs (CHF) and a certificate, and may be used for registration, travel, or accommodation. The awardee must provide a copy of the page in the conference program showing the abstract/presentation and meeting badge after attending
the conference. We welcome nominations and applications for this award up until 1 April 2020. The winner will be announced by 20 April 2020.
url: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/jrfm/awards