Message from IDSAI:
On behalf of IDSAI, we wish you and your family happy holidays and a happy new year!
We are very pleased to introduce Tech Science Press, which has 10+ journals indexed by SCI SSCI Scopus ESCI, and it is open source, rapid review publisher. We believe that all IDSAI, IETI and IRIEM members will benefit from TSP.
Message from TSP:
As a publisher, Tech Science Press (TSP) disseminates fully peer-reviewed and Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) compliant open access Journals that are published online. Founded in January 1997, with a mission to promote academic publishing, TSP has been striving to hold up the highest possible publishing standards that all our scholars, researchers, academic groups, and institutions, can be proud of and support. TSP currently publishes 24 academic periodicals across different science and engineering fields. In addition to journal publications, TSP also publishes a series of academic books, monographs, and conference proceedings.
It is a great honor that TSP could cooperate with IRIEM, IETI, and IDSAI. Members from IRIEM, IETI, and IDSAI are welcome to submit articles to TSP, especially to the following three related journals:
1. CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences (ISSN: 1526-1492 (print); 1526-1506 (online)), SCI and Scopus indexed;
2. FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing (ISSN: 1555-256X (print); 1555-2578 (online)), ESCI and Scopus indexed;
3. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion (ISSN: 1462-3730 (print); 2049-8543 (online)), SSCI and Scopus indexed.